The Great Manager Awards

GMA is an initiative of People Business to help organisations create real competitive advantage through its managers. The vision is to build an ecosystem of Great Mangers in the country.

Each year, “Companies with Great Managers” and “Great Managers” are recognized, identified and rewarded.

This program enables the participating organisations to compare & benchmark themselves across the industry

What makes a great manager?

Assessment Framework

Join us as we commemorate a decade of recognizing the brightest leaders and trailblazing managers who are shaping the future of organizations worldwide.

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Drives Results: A great manager ensures that desired results are achieved for the organisation.

Aligning Organisation Vision: Their actions are aligned to the organisation's plans.

Enhancing People Performance: They are able to drive performance of team members.

Building Team Effectiveness: Align team to common goals, build great relationships and facilitate effective functioning of the team.

Sustaining Individual Credibility: They possess exceptional individual credibility that drives trust and influence.

Benefits of participating in The Great Manager Awards

Enhances Employer Brand

Creates a Culture of Great Managers

Industry-wise Benchmarking

Aspirational Award

Enhances Manager Engagement

Process of The Great Manager Awards

The overall process will culminate into an awards ceremony in the month of December.

The GMA team will provide support needed in communication, survey initiation and guidelines throughout the process.



Confirm the participation and number of managers to be nominated based on the organisation's employee strength


Data Submission

Submit the manager and team member details in the format provided by the GMA team



Communicate the ongoing study internally with the team members


Survey Initiation & Support

Launch of online GMA survey to team members of nominated managers


Shortlisting & Jury Interview

Shortlisted managers to be interviewed by a member of the advisory panel


Award Ceremony

Recognition at the Great Manager Awards ceremony and other exclusive events



The organisation and each nominated manager to receive a personalized scorecard detailing the survey scores, best practices & benchmarking 'Companies with Great Managers' and 'Great Managers'

Are you a Company with Great Managers?

Our Partners


T A Pai Managerment Institute

Institute Partner

PB Logo

People Business

Knowledge Partner

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